39km. I got woken about 5am by multiple logging trucks heading along the road into the logging areas. At dawn I heard a truck stop near where I was camped (I couldn’t be seen from the road), and do something with chains. I panicked and thought that they were going to unload a bulldozer and start leveling the area where I was camped. I started a rush pack, but the truck left, I guess he was just checking his chains tying his load down.
I cooked breakfast and was on the road by 8:30am. I rode past areas where they were logging, but again after a few kms there was nothing but forest and me. I reentered Kuranda National Park, with the track becoming more windy and steep. It would climb and then drop down to a flowing creek and then rise again. I had only one car pass me in about 3 hours on this track. It has hard on the uphills because they were so steep I could not ride them, and had to push the loaded bicycle.
Eventually I left the national park and got to farmland and sugar cane plantations. Everything is so green and lush. The whole area is at 400m, so the weather is mild but also wet.
I was aiming to get to Mossman, but I passed a caravan park at the 9 mile out of Mossman which I thought was closed but it wasn’t. It was pretty full but I found a corner to camp in, and they only charged $10.
I had flat batteries on almost everything. I have a 40w solar panel on the back of the bike, but it has been so cloudy and the rainforest so dark, that nothing was getting charged.