34km. I nearly lost the bike crossing Cockatoo Creek. I walked first across with the front panniers, but despite 4 crossings, on the crossing with the bike and the rear panniers, I dropped it into a rock hole, and almost couldn’t get it out. I loaded up the other side, and on the steep uphill climb, one of the campers helped me push it up over a ledge. I have said before, its better to wait for everyone to leave camp, but this time I went early, and about a kilometre out of camp, I had to pull over to let 19 vehicles pass me. However one of those vehicles had my helmet which I had forgotten, and not noticed near the creek crossing. It was 17km to the end of the southern Telegraph track and deversion road. It was a pretty good road, a couple of easy creek crossings, and I was back on the Bamaga Road. I had not missed this road, more traffic, more corrugations, more dust.It was only 7km to the northern part of the Telegraph track, and it didn’t take long. Then it was an easy 3km to the number one tourist attraction of the area, Fruitbat falls. Nice falls, and a quick swim was had. Then back on the bike for the 7km to Canal Creek. A fairly sandy piece of road, I had to get off and push a few times. I arrived at Canal Creek at 4pm. Plenty of people camped, I found a spot, that was OK near the crossing, so there was entertainment.