35km. The hardest day yet. I got going from my stealth campsite at 8:30am. About 2 kms later I hit the first hill. This was the hill with road works. They were concreting the hill and had traffic lights set up. The road workers were very encouraging as I dragged and pushed my bike up the hill.

It was up and down with a fair bit of traffic, until I got to the next hill which was the killer hill. 31% grade, although it was concreted. It took me an hour to push up the hill 10m at a time.
About 3/4 of the way up the hill I stopped next to an abandoned Pajero, that must have broken down trying to get up the hill. It had been there for a least 6 months.

That was the worse hill over, but there were many shorter ones that I had to push up. Then I had to be careful on the decent, because my rims would overheat, and I could blow the innertube. I had already lost one innertube on a decent already.

Eventually I got to the end of the Bloomfield track and reached Wujal Wujal. I detoured to the shop but it was closed. I was so tired but I was determined to reach the campground at Ayton, which I did at 5pm. It was a long exhausting day.