30km. I left again early at 8am, with not much traffic on the road. It was about 10km until I got internet access back that I had lost the previous day. I stopped at Thornton Beach. Then it was a slog up Noah Range. Over the range I met a German cyclist who had ridden from Melbourne to Cape Tribulation. His bicycle was getting pretty worn out, he needed a new cassette and chain after 8,000km, so he was heading to Cairns for an overhaul. I find it interesting that there is this trend to super lightweight bikepacking, yet when I meet on the road people who have been bicycle touring for long periods they carry heaps of stuff. This guy had collected things from the side of the road, including straps and a gold ball. Certainly not lightweight.
It was then onto a park south of Cape Tribulation where I stopped for lunch. Then after lunch I rode past a mini supermarket which was a bonus. I could top up food supplies, because I was really unsure how long it would take me to get to Cooktown.
I did the touristy thing and walked to the lookout at Cape Tribulation, and then along Cape Tribulation beach. Then it was a push up the road out of the carpark and on the road to the Bloomfield track.

I was surprised how many cars and 4wds were driving along the road to the Bloomfield track. The Bloomfield track started with the warning sign advising against taking trailers, yet every second 4wd that was passing me had a trailer.

I passed another cyclist on the Bloomfield who was riding along on his mountain bike. He gave me a couple of possible steath camping sites along the Bloomfield. I eventually got to Emmogen Creek and probably the deepest water crossing on the track. This is where the cars were driving to, as people were swimming at the waterhole.
I pushed on another few kms until I got to the suggested stealth camping site, where I pulled into a little track of the Bloomfield, put up my tent next to a long abandoned car, and covered it with my stealth green tarp to hide it in the rainforest. I felt guilty stopping early at only 3pm, but again I was pretty tired.