29km. Beer count 7 or 8 depending on how’s you count it. I waited until the at least 30 vehicles left Dalhunty, leaving just me. I passed another vehicle after about an hour. It was a bit sandier. I missed a turnoff because I have so little power to run the phone, so I mostly don’t have the GPS on. That was a 2 km mistake. Got to a sign that said Gunshot 8km, but it must have been nearly 12 km. Various people stopped to talk along the way. Its nice that people don’t pass in a cloud of dust, because the road is so narrow that the only way for anyone to pass requires me to pull the bike off the road. Eventually about 2pm I got to the famous Gunshot Creek crossing. Watched a few people make the crossing. It was fairly easy for me, 3 portages, then maneuver the bike down a steep slope and I was done. The it was 8km to Cockatoo Creek. I got there around 4pm, camped on the south side which didn’t have anyone, they had all gone to the northern side. Had a swim in the river, filtered some water, and relaxed. I think I need another rest day but its hard to do here. It might have to wait until Bamaga.