68km. A day of head winds and another puncture. A couple of cats passed during the night, but generally it was very quiet. I got going at 8:30 knowing that I had to make it to Moreton because I was going to run out of water. I left Archer River with 10l, used 5l the first day, I had 5 l of wayer to get me the 67km. The Bamaga road is not as busy as the development road, its really only tourist traffic. No road trains. It was flat for maybe 20km, then it started get a little bit hilly. The problem with the hills is that is when the corrugations are worst. The Bamaga Road is narrower, so I can ride on the other side of the road, which is the side with the least corrugations going uphill. I stopped for a break in the afternoon, to find a second flat tyre in two days at the front. I carefully inspected the tyre, but could not find the cause. I will have to patch the two innertubes I now have with holes tomorrow. Further than I expected I crossed the Wenloc river, and arrived at Moreton Old Telegraph Station.