62km. I was sure I would not get to Coen. It was 60km, and if I was going to face the sandy corrugated road I faced yesterday, I couldn’t do it. I walked down the creek and found a couple of pools of water that I could filter water out of. I got about 3l of water, and cooked my breakfast. As a result of filtering water and cooking breakfast, I was not on the road until 9:30am. The road was more up down, and sandy sections in bottom gear, where I was doing only 5kmh. It was early afternoon when a truck slowly went past and stopped. He asked if I wanted any water, and I said no, but then he said what if its cold, and I said you have got me interested. He got out and from the passenger side he gave me half a litre of cold water, which was fantastic. We got talking, truck still sitting in the road, and then he told me the best news I had heard all day. He told be about 8km ahead it was bitumen for 30km all the way to Coen. I knew then I could do it. So I made the bitumen, stopped frequently because of my recurring sore leg, but I got into Coen and camped at the campground at the back of the Exchange Hotel around 5:30pm.