52km. What a day, Long stretches of new bitumen road, versus slow crawls up Bamboo Range, versus slow very hard slogs through sand. I dont think I slept well overnight, as the campground was pretty noisy, and I had spent the last 6 nights camped alone. I cooked breakfast in the very busy campground. I talked to French backpackers who had seen the accident I had heard about already, where someone rolled their camper truck on the very sleep slope on the Bloomfield track. I had my picture taken by other camper who wanted a picture of the crazy bike rider. I didn’t get going until 9:30am, and headed off through the roadworks north of Musgrave. Initially the road was dirt but recently graded, I made a good speed. Then it became new bitumen, and I found myself doing a long 8% climb up the Bamboo range to 291m. Then the road became a nightmare of corrugations or loose sand that sometimes I could only push through. At one stage a 4wd stopped in front of me and two army guys on a drive to fix a broken car got out and gave me a cold can of coke. It was great. I slogged on developing a sore left leg, that I have had before bike riding. It was my 7th straight day riding, and I really need a rest day. However I am running out of food, and need to get to Coen . I made it to the bed of the Lukin River at 5pm. I need some more water, and there might be some the other side of the road, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.