37 km. 10th July 2021. I am following a GPS track that I found online that leads from Cairns to Cape York. It looked good, but the first part of the route was the 400m climb up to Kuranda on the Kuranda road. I thought this would be a better route than the coast road that I though would be so busy. I was so wrong.
The Kuranda road is horrible for bicycle riders. I walked half of the 12km up because it was to dangerous to ride because it was so narrow. I definitely won’t be doing that road again. I should have seen if I could of got on the train, or anything else.
About 5pm I finally got to the caravan park at Kuranda, and pretty well collapsed asleep as soon as it got dark.

Life little journeys just keep on peddling I remember doing a 12 hour race it was the longest twelve hours of my life started 4.12 early morning finished 4.12 in the afternoon but I would not have missed it