33km. I decided against the Creb Track. The lady who ran the campground said it needed several days of sunny weather to be passable, and it had rained every night for the last 4 nights.
So I headed off at 8:00am in the still morning air backtracking the 10km to the ferry turnoff.
I crossed the ferry, charged $3 (cars were $25), being told by the ticket booth attendant that someone had come through from Thursday Island by bicycle. I When leaving the ferry, one of the workers told me to be careful as there were lots of blind corners.

This turned out to be good advice, as the climb up to the lookout was narrow and windy and steep. I spent a lot of time either pushing the bike or hiding as far to the side of the road as I could.
I stopped at the top of the range at the lookout with the the rest of the tourists. Them down the steep decent where I suffered the perennial problem I have with thornproof inner tubes, the rims overheaded and the valve stem broke off the tube. So it was find somewhere safe to pull over, and replace the tube.
At around 3pm, it was 18km to the next campsite, so I stopped at Rainforest Village on a $30 campsite.