62km. I got up at 6:30am cooked breakfast, and then rode up to Archer River roadhouse to top up my water, connect to the Wi-Fi. So by the time I had done that and packed up, I didn’t leave until 9:30am. I knew it was bitumen all the way 54km to the Weipa Junction. People might think I get sick of cars passing me all the time, but sometimes there are long periods of no vehicles. This morning was such an example, after pulling out of Archer River it was 20 minutes before the first car passed. It was a nice road. I had someone pull beside and ask if I needed anything, and someone else who pulled alongside and gave me a thumbs up, drove on. I must wave at 50 vehicles a day, people that beep, wave, of give me a thumb’s up. The wind built up and started coming from the north, making it a struggle to ride. So I stopped for lunch, and after packing the bike up found I had a flat front tyre. I pulled stuff off the bike, replaced the tube (I am carrying 3 spare tubes). That all slowed me down. About 5pm, I got to the Bamaga Road junction. The Bamaga Road is much smaller, some corrugations, but not too bad. One car passed me, then nobody until I stopped to camp just off the road 8km in at 6pm.