Sundance, Wyoming

…. ‘where the kid came from!’

I didn’t think we had much to say about yesterday – we just spent it driving further east through Wyoming. Quite varied landscape – a high mountain pass that reminded me of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ country, then dry, flat plains. We camped at a nice little campground in a state forest, and just after midnight the fun really began.

A huge, bright, loud thunderstorm that woke us up and had us scuttling to take shelter in the car .. twice! The first storm went for about 90 minutes, with lightning flashes that lit up the whole sky. We kept listening to, and counting for the thunder to work out how far away the storm was, and when it got close we got in the car, figuring it was safer in a large tin box than out in the open near tall trees that could get struck by lightning. It rained a bit, but that didn’t last anywhere near as long as the lightning. We headed back to bed at around 1.30am, then it all started again at 3am!

So we’re feeling pretty wiped out this morning. We visited the Devil’s Tower National Monument, which Greg will write about soon. An amazing rock formation. Heading to the Black Hills to see some things and have an afternoon sleep! The locals are delighted with the weather – high 20s, fine. We just overheard someone comment that they wait 8 months for this weather.

Powder River Pass at 9666 feet, with snow still on some of the mountains in the background

Powder River Pass at 9666 feet, with snow still on some of the mountains in the background

A small RV (caravan) at a roadside stop on the I-90 in Wyoming

A small RV (caravan) at a roadside stop on the I-90 in Wyoming


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4 Responses to Sundance, Wyoming

  1. ron says:

    There is a song here The Black Hills Of Dakota da da da I think from Paint Your Wagon someone correct me if correct lets hear it played please you any where near Custer last Stand what are the timber structures beside the road Black Hills Dakota unless you live in it that R.V. is just stupid to pull around then thats the U.S.A. BIGGER bigger then bigger GOOD PICS

    • Judy says:

      Hi Ron, not going to Custer’s Last Stand this time – we visited it last time on our way to the northern entrance of Yellowstone. The Black Hills song is from Calamity Jane (thanks to Margaret and Char who know more about musicals than I do). The timber structures by the side of the road are to stop snow from drifting onto the road. We saw them in Norway too, but over there they seem to do double duty as fish-drying racks.
      PS We might go through Wounded Knee later today. xx

  2. Margaret & Derick Smith says:

    Seems like your weather is similar to ours. Very hot and humid with terrible thunderstorms and localised flooding . Take care xxx

    • Judy says:

      An electrical storm while camping is a scary experience, not one I want to repeat any time soon. There are more forecast for this evening, but we’ll either be far enough away, or taking refuge in a motel!

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