Judy at the “official” Santa Claus post office at Santa Claus Village on the Arctic circle

Too much Santa Claus is barely enough. Santa Claus village with myriads of souvenir shops, post office and restaurant, all sited on the Arctic Circle

Crossing the Arctic circle southwards (conveniently marked)

Reindeer meatballs!

camped by a lake in central Finland

The Finnish wood heated sauna we tried out where we are staying

the route we have taken from Nordkapp through Finland so far
The Finish army if my memory serve me right fought the German Army at the early part of the seconded War and beat them then the Russians and beat them there was a tv show how it is the natives round up the Reindeer before winter to take them to lower pastures this how they make their money they do it with motorized sledges how wealth ea do they appear does Santa make money all the year keep motoring
Last question first … That Santa Land place on the Arctic Circle was crawling with tourists and tour buses. It is possible to visit Santa Claus every day of the year and have a chat for free. But no photos – if you want a photo with Santa they’ll fleece you of 25 euros!
The Finns seem to be okay financially. There’s not the same rural population as in Norway, but I think that’s a unique case. We’ve seen a few vacant shops, but there are also plenty of 24 hour fast food/shopping places. A Big Mac meal here costs just under AUD $10.