It was a rather sleepless night in Reliegos. A dance/rave party set up one street away, and it pumped out its loud music all night. And I mean all night, it was still going at 7.15am when we walked past it in the dark before dawn. For people that had spent all day walking, and needed a good nights sleep, it was less than considerate.
It was the darkest ever we have started our day, with many pilgrims using headlight torches to see.
We knew we had only 24km to walk, and that we were walking to a nice hotel room we had already booked in Leon. We got breakfast in a bar in Mansilla de las Mulas, which we would not have even seen if it wasn’t by chance seeing someone walking away from it with a bag of bread. It looked dark, and closed, but on closer inspection it was open and busy. Spanish retailing for you again, lots of pilgrims would have walked 100 metres away on the camino, and never known anything was open in town.
We got back on the road following the N-120 road, which we have been following or crossing for many days. Later in the morning we found an irrigation channel flowing with nice cold water – too good an opportunity to soak our feet.
We found a shelter at Arcahueja with a water fountain, and had lunch. We crossed a busy road that had previously been a dangerous crossing for pilgrims, that now had a nice new bridge.
We made it into central Leon, at an early 3:30pm.

Spanish dance/rave party still going at 7:20am (still dark). There seems to be no noise enviroment laws in Spain!