A relatively flat day of walking, after the ups and downs of yesterday. We left Molinasaca at around 7.30, with barely enough light to see, although we did have street lights for a while, and we could see the city lights of Ponferrada in the distance. It seems amazing that there is still 5 weeks of daylight saving to go here. By the time it finishes in late October, the sun will be rising at around 8.30am.
We spent a bit of time in Ponferrada, finding important things like coffee, a pharmacy, an ATM and an open bakery. And even though it didn’t open until later in the morning, we had a look at the magnificent 12th Century Templar castle. It has recently been extensively renovated and opened to the public. Any kid who loves castles and knights (ours both did) would be in their element there.
This weekend seems to have marked the start of the grape harvest. After we left Ponferrada, we walked through several little towns with vineyards between them, and there was a steady stream of tractors towing trailers full of grapes to the local co-op. Lots of other harvesting going on too, although we’re a bit puzzled by the crops of corn that has been left to rot in many places.
We’re staying at Cacabelos tonight, a town of around 6000, with many bars and cafes, although it was a bit difficult finding anywhere that actually served meals earlier than the usual 9.30pm. There are always plenty of people sitting at tables outside the cafes and bars, but on closer inspection, they are all just having a drink, none are actually eating.
We passed the 600km mark of our Camino today – less than 200kms to go now.

Walking past the Molinaseca albergue (in the dark before dawn) we found a row of bunk beds outside the Albergue. It was only about 2C at the time, so anyone sleeping on them would have had a cold night!