Day 17 Jacksonville Florida to Atlanta Georgia

Very looong driving day due to roadworks and a lot of traffic on the I-75. So we took a couple of detours off the main road and saw a bit of Georgia that we wouldn’t have seen from the freeway.

We ate real southern food tonight at Mary Mac’s Tea Rooms in Atlanta, founded 1945. Great food, huge serves and we finally got to try some cornbread and grits! Greg had Roast Turkey with cornbread stuffing and cranberry sauce and a Root Beer, I had Roast Pork (sorry Tom, there was no crackling) with cornbread stuffing and gravy, and washed it down with a Mint Julep.

I remember reading historical novels where Southern ladies drank mint juleps and always wondered what they tasted like. Turns out it’s just bourbon with ice and a large sprig of mint. Those Southern ladies were probably all pissed by 5pm!

Dinner at Mary Macs Tea Rooms

Mary Macs Tea Rooms

3 comments to Day 17 Jacksonville Florida to Atlanta Georgia

  • ron

    Hello People the large feet are the ones with sandle marks on them beach looks much wider than ours do they have to pay looks like they have cleaning machines

  • Margaret & Derick Smith

    How much weight are you planning on gaining?

    • Judy

      Hopefully none, Margaret & Derick. It’s ironic that when we walked across Spain last year, we sometimes found it hard to get a decent feed. Now, when we’re spending a lot of time sitting down, there’s such an abundance of food!