I guess I could get all patriotic and poetic about how great Australia is, but we all know that. One thing that I do take for granted and only get reminded of it occasionally, is how efficient our country is at doing things … well, most things.
Happy Australia Day, wherever you are in the world, and whether you celebrate it or not. If you have even just visited our beautiful country, you are one of us! Here are a couple of Australian things that have amused me recently.

WHAT CAN ONE SAY JIMMY BARNES I am really lost for words really think his parents should not have brought him out here then I WOULD NEVER have heard of him best we stay with the anthem we now have I know this a joke but J,B.ADVANCE AUSTRALIA I hope all have a great AUSTRALIA DAY like you we have travelled the world where else would you wont to live GO AUSTRALIA.
Australia Day gets even more of an 18th Century feel with the appointment of new knights http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-26
I know! I’m appalled. I’d write to my local member, but it would just be a waste of ink and paper.
and Prince Phillip! ugh! its almost enough to turn people to be republicans (maybe thats his secret plan)
HAD to you both , and thanks for the music – love Adam Hills and the rendition of Advance Australia Fair was absolutely marvellous, and the other clip is pretty good to.
I’d be lost without the musical interludes!
Thanks Char, I’d hoped to add some more music as we went along, but our internet access is very limited and a bit slow at the moment. I’ll try to add more when we’re back in SA … the other SA.
The Baikal is frozen over. good that you are seeing plenty of wild life one hears so much about poaching perhaps it is not so bad after all fans e getting ya banana pinched it was not a beach day aussie day .
We’ve been very lucky to see so much wildlife in Botswana. So far here the poaching isn’t a huge issue, but in other countries the only way to keep the wildlife safe is to put them in reserves