Judy and Gregs travels through Botswana and Namibia
Maloraneng Lesotho
Looking across the valley from St JamesSenqu River the start of the Orange river which we crossed a thousand kilometres to the west when we entered NamibiaVillages in the skyThe steep 4WD track into the Lost Valley of KhubeluFootbridge across the Khubelu river so schools kids and villages can get across the river when it is in floodLooking back to the Roundavals we stayed inDiamond mine tailings on the A1Shephards Hut and kraal (animal enclosure)The next village on from where are stayingJudy warming in front of the coal fire. Yes it really is coal and the fire was set by a local villager
3 thoughts on “Maloraneng Lesotho”
Sorry I thought you where going to lose internet after you passed into Lesotho what a tree less place or have they all been burnt up all the trees you would have to think that if snow falls you would think that trees should grow sad when people have to BEG you have to do what your conscience dictates treble to see even so .
You might be right about the trees, their may have been more in the past.However it is a subalpine environment, lots of areas above 3000m
We saw women collecting cow dune for fuel.
Ron, people here don’t have to beg – they do it because tourists and visitors have rewarded that behaviour in the past by giving them money, and giving lollies to kids. No one here would starve – villages take care of their own. It seems to be almost a knee-jerk reaction to seeing a tourist, but I guess that happens in lots of other places as well.
Yes, we thought there wouldn’t be any internet access ere, but trust Mr Adventure to sniff it out!
Sorry I thought you where going to lose internet after you passed into Lesotho what a tree less place or have they all been burnt up all the trees you would have to think that if snow falls you would think that trees should grow sad when people have to BEG you have to do what your conscience dictates treble to see even so .
You might be right about the trees, their may have been more in the past.However it is a subalpine environment, lots of areas above 3000m
We saw women collecting cow dune for fuel.
Ron, people here don’t have to beg – they do it because tourists and visitors have rewarded that behaviour in the past by giving them money, and giving lollies to kids. No one here would starve – villages take care of their own. It seems to be almost a knee-jerk reaction to seeing a tourist, but I guess that happens in lots of other places as well.
Yes, we thought there wouldn’t be any internet access ere, but trust Mr Adventure to sniff it out!