36 hours after leaving home, we arrived in Cape Town. When they invent a faster way of moving from one place to another without all the waiting around at airports, I’ll be the first in line to use it. We had quite a long wait at Changi Airport, so we made good use of the time by getting a room in the transit hotel for 6 hours and catching up on some sleep. The plane stopped in Jo’burg before going on to Cape Town, and because of some technical problem, we were delayed for about an hour while it got sorted out.
There was a little boy sitting in the row behind us and he was pretty horrible for most of the flight from Singapore …. until he fell asleep 10 minutes before we landed in Cape Town. Excellent.
We’re staying in an apartment right in the city, in an old Art Deco building that was originally the offices for the South African Mutual Life Assurance Company. We’re on the 5th floor
The weather is about the same a home – around 16 and fine today, with showers predicted for tomorrow. Table Mountain was shrouded in cloud, and it was quite windy when we went walking in the city. We’re really trying hard not to go to sleep too early, although Greg has snuck up to the bedroom and it’s a bit quiet … I’d better go and make sure he’s still awake!