15km. It rained – all day. We have camped behind an old stone wall, off the Camino. Its another 15km to a hotel, and Judy is suffering from some bad blisters on her feet. We walked out of Tomar in the rain late in the morning, and the rain never stopped. We have had some nice tracks to follow, and we are only passing little villages.
After Tomar we crossed under the IC-9 Expressway, and got out of the rain for a short period. Then it was through forest tracks until a bitumen road whih led into Casales. We sheltered in a sports shed next to the basketball courts, and then headed of towards Solanda hoping to find a cafe open, but alas it was closed. It was then down a steep hill and back up again to reach a cafe in Cabeleireira, where we sheltered from the rain and had something to eat from its very limited range on offer. They ran a Mini-Mercado (small store) next door, but again its range was very limited. So it was some peanuts and vanilla wafers for dinner.

Special cover built for pilgrims to keep the rain off, and I think cars might drive on it somewhere as well
greg looks positively miserable in that photo! Fingers crossed the rain stops and you can start enjoying things a bit more.
Ah yes, he’s not a great fan of rain at the best of times. We had a lovely day yesterday, with a few more forecast. And temps in the low 30s by the weekend.