71.1711 degrees north

Judy and Greg at Nordkapp

Where we would be in Antarctica if we were the same distance South as we are north at Nordkapp

Midnight at Nordkapp. Hundreds of people viewing the midnight sun

- Bay to the west of Nordkapp

Just some of the campervans parked (overnight) at Nordkapp, there must be at least 50

Cloudberries we picked at last nights camp

Our route from Stockholm to Nordkapp Norway
Wonderful, you made it, you and all those others.
Oh yes, there were plenty of people there to watch the midnight sun with us last night. Lots and lots of tour buses, motor homes, a few cyclists and someone who has just started a long walk from Nordkapp yo Sicily.
WOW. So Greg has now got warmer clothes on. xx
He sure has, Margaret – he even wore his thermals yesterday ‘evening’. Not sure that it can be called evening when there are no stars in the sky, but he was wearing them when we went to see the sun sitting well above the horizon at midnight
Dont tell me the boy is feeling a chill am surprised he even had thermals with him is this the end of the earth ???? was there facility for all those campers I do like meat but that meal you said was taste it didn’t look cooked but ya know it takes all sorts
Ha! Yes, I was a bit surprised that he had them with him. Good thing he got to use them, otherwise he would have been cross that he’d brought them all this way for no reason.
No facilities for campers, and a lot of them left after midnight, but most of them are self-sufficient with bathroom, kitchen, TV … bit like home really. There were toilets in the visitor centre that we were able to use.
That meat does look very rare in the photo but it wasn’t that undercooked really. We have seen quite a few reindeer in the last day. I’ve told Asher that we’d put in a good word for him if we see Santa.
How thrilling to see the midnight sun, Judy . Glad Ron mentioned the meat as I know Derick would have loved it ,not me though . I am enjoying the journey with you although rather be here in the heat of UK than in the cold where you are . Have a great day xx
How hot is it in Essex, Margaret? It’s actually not that cold here …. well, most days it’s around 12 – 14C and I’m not a fan of cold weather, but those temps are okay. I did wear my thermals the day we were at Nordkapp, but otherwise I’ve been fine with just a jacket. And we’re heading south to warmer weather now, so we’ll see a bit more of a real Scandinavian summer.
The midnight sun was amazing – I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself. It’s just not a concept that I’ve been able to understand easily.
Good Morning Judy and Greg. Cloudy here in Essex today but temperature has been in the 30′s. Lots of complaints about being too hot ,not from Derick and myself as we love the heat and not found it a problem . I suppose because we are retired and not having to work makes a difference. Enjoy your weekend and keep the reports coming . xx
Wow, UK temps in the 30s would be HOT! I’m finding it an interesting contrast that we’ve been in temps of 11 – 13C for the last few days and have been wearing t-shirts, light long pants and sandals. If we were at home and it was that cold we would be all rugged up in layers of winter clothes AND whingeing about the cold! Hope you enjoy your weekend too.
We’re in Finland now, heading south and will probably get to Helsinki on Monday.