Comments on: Vatican Judy and Greg walking through Portugal on the Camino Portugués Wed, 03 Apr 2013 13:47:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Judy Wed, 02 May 2012 15:34:08 +0000 Hi Dilki! How lovely to hear from you, my best Women’s Weekly Cookbook customer. Thanks for stopping by and best wishes, Judy

By: Dilki Wed, 02 May 2012 10:53:30 +0000 Hi Judy,

Hope you remember me I am Dilki from Sri Lanka, your Bookshelf of Oz customer. I enjoy the pictures and details of your journey so much that I want to do it myself someday. I really loved the Portugese Custard Tarts. Great to know that you are having fantastic time.

Have fun.

By: Judy Mon, 23 Apr 2012 20:47:30 +0000 You’re right about expensive accommodation in Milan, Sal. We stayed 12 metro stops from the centre of the city and it cost around 105 euro per night. It was a lovely place to stay though. And much cheaper than the Armani Hotel, which was 8,000 euro per night!

The photos are nearly all Greg’s work – he’s clever with his camera, isn’t he? The panoramic shots are 6 or 8 pics stitched together with some software that he found. They look much better than a wide-angle pic, I reckon.

By: sally Little Mon, 23 Apr 2012 05:11:29 +0000 Hi Jude , it was March when we visited Rome . I’m loving your Blog and the wonderful photos . The Basillica and shots of Milan are fabulous ! The tours don’t usually go there as it’s difficult to find cheap accommodation for groups . Love to you both . Sal x

By: Judy Sun, 22 Apr 2012 07:37:20 +0000 Could have been leftover tourists from Easter. And we’ve heard quite a few US accents, on Spring Break maybe. What time of year were you in Rome, Sal?

By: sally Little Sat, 21 Apr 2012 08:10:58 +0000 I can’t believe the queue , and it isn’t even peak tourist season ! 13 years ago our tour group arrived there at 7’30 so we didn’t have a long wait !

By: Judy Sat, 21 Apr 2012 07:25:38 +0000 Gracie, Madame! Or perhaps I should be calling you ‘Signora’ … when in Rome ‘n’ all that. Hugs back to you and Sieg

By: Joan Sat, 21 Apr 2012 03:16:14 +0000 Judy, I’ve ALWAYS thought you a classy lady!

Can remember years St Peter’s…oh inside…like a funfair…people draping themselves over angels and so forth…posing in front of the glass coffin of John 23rd..I’d wondered if they asked him…what he thought of the idea of his body being on display…just in general conversation before he died that is!

love love love the lane photo…continue to add your gorgeousness to the world…hugs

By: ron Fri, 20 Apr 2012 07:39:13 +0000 how about all the cig butts at Vatican plenty of pigeons. Two South Korean lads wanted to have there photo taken with me in front of the fountain, such style
